Ocasio Cortez Caught


Socialist darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sure does love to write checks with her loud mouth that her body can’t cash. Whether it’s trying to defend her socialist policies, or her hypocritical behavior about wealth AOC suddenly goes silent when people call her out. So let’s see what she has to say after this. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keeps digging an even deeper hole. The freshmen Congresswoman turned herself into the biggest name in the Democrat Party because of her radical ideas and expert use of social media. But that just got her in huge trouble because Ocasio-Cortez was caught on film making this racist attack on white people. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio Cortez Speech Today

  1. Fox News adds that Ocasio-Cortez “reported having between $15,001 and $50,000 in her checking account as of the end of April 2018, according to a Financial Disclosure Report she submitted to the clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. The financial disclosure also reveals that she has an investment account valued between $1,001.
  2. National Legal and Policy Center Chair Peter Flaherty discusses why his group filed a FEC compliant against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) chief of.

Socialist darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sure does love to write checks with her loud mouth that her body can’t cash.

Ocasio-cortez Caught Up In Dark Money Scandal

Whether it’s trying to defend her socialist policies, or her hypocritical behavior about wealth… AOC suddenly goes silent when people call her out.

So let’s see what she has to say after this…

According to a report from The Gateway Pundit, AOC refuses to condemn former Vice President Joe Biden for accusations that he acted inappropriately towards multiple women.

In fact, she doesn’t even seem to care about the women accusing him of misconduct!

“I don’t think voters think he’s necessarily guilty of sexual misconduct or anything like that,” she said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

“People tend to interpret these situations as one way or another — is he a bad person or is he a good person? I don’t think it’s about that,” she said. “It’s not about right and wrong sometimes, it’s just about whether feeling like someone gets it or not.”

Wow! Talk about tone deaf!

AOC was also asked if Democrats “gave Bill Clinton a pass over his treatment of women” in the 1990s. She answered: “Probably,” but then shifted the topic to her efforts to increase pay for women.

“I wouldn’t look at this through a partisan lens, I think this is part of the evolution we’ve been having as a country,” Ocasio-Cortez told ABC host Jonathan Karl.

Can you imagine what AOC would have said if Biden were a Republican?!

Once again, this proves that AOC is nothing but a partisan FRAUD.

Riley Roberts

Check out her entire, pathetic interview for yourself.

'I do think that there may be some discomfort,' Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells @jonkarl when asked if she thinks Joe Biden gets the allegations of inappropriate touching against him

Ocasio-cortez Is An Idiot

'I don't think he's necessarily convinced all women,' she adds https://t.co/jVstG7wcVZpic.twitter.com/L7MNbAEYIx

Ocasio Cortez Caught Lying Video

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) June 16, 2019