Gus Lottery

Sure, he looks scruffy and tubby. But that's our Gus! He's the new spokesanimal for the Pennsylvania Lottery, and PA lottery ticket sales shot up from $16 million a month to $22 million after Gus' campaign debuted! Not bad for the second most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania!

Gus is a wisecracking groundhog who's always looking to get lucky! Er, by winning the current month's lottery, that is! He's also a sophisticated animatronic rod puppet. He has a foam body and a synthetic fur covering, but underneath he's like the Terminator, with machined aluminum joints, servomechanisms, and cables of steel!

Gus requires 4 puppeteers to operate: One for his head and body, one for his arms, and another 2 for all his facial movements. His face is incredibly expressive, with dual axis ears, eyes up/down. eyes side/side, and blinks, 2-axis eyebrows, nose up/down, 2 axis jaw, smile, and 4 axis lip movement. This enables Gus to smile, frown, smirk, speak, and come to life!

As he is so small, many of the servos needed to provide his animatronic funcions are mounted externally, with the cables running through spring housings on their way up to his head.

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Gus Dougherty pleaded guilty in 2008 to defrauding John Dougherty’s Local 98 out of more than $500,000 in “market recovery” money, and for providing $115,000 worth of free renovations on his similarly named friend’s Philadelphia home. Part of that plea deal included a provision to avoid testifying against John Dougherty. The return of Gus, the state's second most-famous groundhog, as the Pennsylvania Lottery's spokesman has not come without cost and bit of controversy. The advertising costs associated with it are. Simply stated, Gus is a Pennsylvania Lottery institution,' Svitko said. An informal PennLive poll conducted in 2013 after the lottery introduced Penny as its spokesperson proved that to be the. #GusAndPops Gus Gives His Dad Fake 5000 Dollar Lottery Ticket And He Went Viola Over One Million Views Must See.


Gus Lottery Commercial

Gus is a wisecracking groundhog who's always looking to get lucky! Er, by winning the current month's lottery, that is! He's also a sophisticated animatronic rod puppet. He has a foam body and a synthetic.

Gus Lottery Groundhog Memes

Gus Lottery

Pennsylvania Lottery Gus Groundhog