Occasional Occasion

  1. Pertaining to, arising out of, or intended for the occasion: occasional verses. Acting or serving for the occasion or only on particular occasions. Serving as the occasion or incidental cause.
  2. All Occasions Event Rental. Cincinnati 10629 Reading Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 513-563-0600 Fax: (513) 563-6757 Toll Free: 800.670.4899 Louisville 3230 Frankfort.
  3. Our Luxurious selection of Occasion Abayas are specifically designed for Sisters who want to look glamorous for those special occasions without compromising on their Modest Wear needs. If you are looking for that special occasion abaya then look no further, as we have a beautiful selection.


Occasional Papers is a non-profit independent publisher of affordable books devoted to the histories of architecture, art, design, film and literature.

  • 1Occurring, appearing, or done infrequently and irregularly.

    • ‘The writing is elegant with only occasional lapses into obscurity.’
    • ‘She had never really seen the inside of his room before; only occasional chance glances.’
    • ‘Loud snores started to come out of him as occasional hiccups followed.’
    • ‘Nine beaches have been closed due to high bacteria levels as well as occasional visits of red tides.’
    • ‘Everyone else should regard them only as a very occasional treat.’
    • ‘Most people make at least occasional visits to the pub and do so without abusing others.’
    • ‘There may be occasional lapses like the one that strikes the reader's eyes.’
    • ‘Among the most striking aspects of the movie are its occasional forays into animation.’
    • ‘He does it with style and flair and the occasional foray into drag.’
    • ‘There is little evidence that occasional light snoring does any harm at all.’
    • ‘What I am saying is that occasional errors are inevitable with a truly free press.’
    • ‘The men were closer, talking amongst themselves with an occasional burst of laughter.’
    • ‘Despite occasional bursts of humor, the prevalent tone throughout the movie is somber.’
    • ‘Beyond fields and woods come occasional glimpses of the lake in dry brilliant sunshine.’
    • ‘Soon she could see nothing in that darkness but the occasional flash of light.’
    • ‘Fischer showed occasional flashes of his old self, but was also clearly rusty.’
    • ‘His vocabulary is simple but effective, though occasional obscurities may be found in his sentences.’
    • ‘Provide at least occasional online access to your top technicians and decision makers.’
    • ‘Neighbors, family members, even occasional bystanders used to separate combatants.’
    • ‘Occasional flashes of lightning danced over the distant peaks of the Cordillera Real.’
    infrequent, intermittent, irregular, periodic, sporadic, odd, random, casual, desultory, incidental, uncommon, episodic, few and far between, fitful, spasmodic, isolated, rare
    View synonyms
    1. 1.1(of furniture) made or adapted for use on a particular occasion or for infrequent use.
      • ‘He made occasional furniture pieces such as tables and chairs, as well as picture frames.’
      • ‘Described as a desk, dining or occasional chair, it is designed with sufficient strength to support even a very large person.’
      • ‘Other items include pieces of occasional furniture that were covered by Monica.’
      • ‘Upstairs, the L-shaped landing is well lit, thanks to a window alcove with room for an occasional chair.’
    2. 1.2(of a literary composition, speech, religious service, etc.) produced on or intended for a special occasion.
      • ‘Even as late as last month she was still giving the occasional speech and attending functions.’
      • ‘He was the only human they trusted enough to honor with their presence and occasional speeches.’
      • ‘He made his living in academia and from occasional exploits into literary journalism.’
      • ‘It covered a great range of moods and themes: love, wine, religion, didactic topics, and occasional verse.’
      • ‘The abcd abcd efg efg rhyming scheme isn't traditional, but it's not bad for occasional verse.’
      • ‘He read voraciously for himself, and began to write occasional verses when he was still at school.’
      • ‘Occasional services are held there, as are occasional concerts.’
      • ‘If so, will there be occasional masses where personal prayer is permitted after communion?’
    3. 1.3dated Employed for a particular occasion or on an irregular basis.
      • ‘He employs two steady workers, two occasional employees and has two business partners.’
      • ‘Use of the equipment was initially limited to the company's own employees and the occasional journalist.’
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What is Occasion Segmentation?

Occasion segmentation is the process of dividing the market into groups according to specific occasions related to the customer. Occasion segmentation focuses on slicing the market based on certain specific events during a particular time, when a customer is in a need of a product or a service. This type of segmentation is usually time bound and helps targets those customers who want a certain product for a certain event or occasion.

Importance of occasion segmentation

Some products or services are seen as being appropriate for a particular situation or occasion. Meaning, that the customer is looking for specific products on specific times or occasions. Occasion segmentation classifies the customers into time bound needs based on some certain important event in a persons life. Such products would be very useful during that particular occasion and would otherwise be irrelevant.

Occasion segmentation is one of the different ways of carrying out behavioral segmentation, as it uses the customer's buying behavior pattern of buying on occasions. Behavior segmentation is one of the four types of market segmentation.

Occasion segmentation is primarily divided into three types:

1. Occasions for all or universal - These are certain events which happen for everyone around the world. Companies can use this time period and can cater to the needs of the customers.

2. Regular personal occasions - Certain important events occur regularly for people. Occasion segmentation helps identify those customers with a specific need during these events and can be targeted easily

3. Rare personal occasions- Some events happen very rarely for a customer but can be extremely important. Hence companies focus on targeting those customers who can buy their products or service during that particular occasion.

Occasion segmentation examples

1. Universal occasions- There are certain events which help companies target customers. Events like Christmas, Diwali, Easter is a good opportunity for chocolate companies to aggressively promote their products. Another example is during football world cup, companies selling footballs, merchandise etc can use occasion segmentation to tap the market better

Occasional Occasion

2. Regular personal occasions - Events like a person's birthday or anniversary occur regularly. These are targeted by companies making cakes or gift items. Tour and travel companies often give discounts to couples travelling for their anniversary

3. Rare personal occasions- One of the major rare occasion in a person's life is their wedding. Occasion segmentation is done by wedding management companies, bridal dress brands, companies offering honeymoon packages, banquet halls etc.

Hence these are some examples where occasion segmentation is used to target customers effectively.

Occasional Occasions Lantzville

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