Rey Shoots Force Lightning

Rey's Force vision after touching Anakin's lightsaber. Rey sees herself as a child during the Force vision. Maz tries to comfort Rey after the Force vision. Maz tells Rey that she can see un her eyes that she already knows the truth. The fans have no idea of Darth Sidious and his feats in the PT. We learn through Vader that the Emperor is powerful in the dark side of the Force, and that's it (I think). Then we see this deformed dark wizard dude suddenly shoot lightning out of his fingers. Up until then, the Force. He used his vast power to shoot the Resistance fleet out of the sky with force lightning, until a weakened Rey managed to confront him once again, using Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa's. Rey and Solo break the connection, and an enraged Palpatine sends Ben off the cliff. He then fires off his classic Force lightning bolts at Rey, who is barely able to contain them with her.

Star Wars and Lucasfilm confirmed that Force Lightning is a Dark Side power in the recently published The Star Wars Book.

A screenshot from the book posted to Twitter by user @OldManBlinks confirms Lucasfilm and Star Wars still believe this is a Dark Side power despite Rey using the ability in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

In a section titled “Unlimited Power: The Sith Order” a brief overview of the Sith are given.

It begins, “The Sith are an order founded by a splinter group of Jedi who discover the raw power that can be achieved by devotion to the dark side.”

The book then reveals that force lightning is exclusive to dark side users, “The Sith’s focus on the dark opens up powers that a Jedi dare not wield, such as the ability to corrupt the Force through focused rage to launching deadly lightning from their fingertips.”

UNLIMITED POWWWWAHHH (and a Momin mention)

— Old Man Blinks (@OldManBlinks) October 9, 2020

Here’s a better look at the page.

The book confirms’s Databank entry on Force Lightning that also states the ability is specifically a “dark side ability.”

The databank entry reads, “Force lightning is a dark side ability used to torture, disfigure, and even kill one’s victims. Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings.”

“However, while a deadly weapon, it is not unstoppable. Force lightning can be deflected and absorbed by a lightsaber, and select Jedi have proved able to neutralize the technique through the power of the light side,” it adds.

With this confirmation, it still leaves Rey’s use of the ability in The Rise of Skywalker unexplained.

Rey, who has not trained whatsoever in the Dark Side of the Force, uses the ability when she is attempting to stop a First Order ship from leaving the surface of Pasaana. Rey begins by using the Force to halt the ship’s movement, essentially suspending it in the atmosphere.

However, Kylo Ren challenges her and begins using the Force to try and keep the ship moving. Anger is eventually shown on Rey’s force and then Force lightning erupts from her fingers destroying the ship that she believes Chewbacca is on.


After blowing up the ship, Rey goes into a state of shock and appears confused as to how she manifested the power. In fact, she even looks down at her hand, in what appears to be an attempt to make sense of what just happened.

No official explanation has been given for Rey’s use of Force Lightning. However, there are theories that because she let herself succumb to her rage and anger the ability manifested without any training.

Another theory claims her bloodline could have something to do with it, given it is revealed she is the daughter of a cloned version of Darth Sidious. However, this theory doesn’t make any sense given what we know of the Force and the fact that individuals are able to choose between the Dark Side and the Light Side.

This is specifically seen in The Return of the Jedi, when Luke Skywalker realizes he is beginning to delve into the Dark Side. Instead of continuing to embrace the Dark Side of the Force, Luke rejects it. He throws his lightsaber to the ground and declares he would rather die than join the Dark Side.

Luke tells Sidious, “I’ll never turn to the Dark Side. You failed your highness. I am a Jedi like my father before me.”

This choice is also seen in The Revenge of the Sith when Anakin Skywalker chooses to embrace the Dark Side.

When Sidious tells Anakin to become his apprentice and learn to use the Dark Side of the Force, Anakin responds, “I will do whatever you ask.” He then states, “Just help me save Padme’s life. I can’t live without her.”

“I pledge myself to your teachings,” Anakin later added. He is then knighted Darth Vader by Sidious.

If it had something to do with her bloodline, Luke would have been randomly manifesting all kinds of Force powers that his father had previously learned. He wouldn’t have had to train like he did under both Obi-wan Kenobi and later Yoda.

Rey Shoots Force Lightning

Along with this confirmation that it is a Dark Side power, it also calls into question why Yoda seemingly used a version of the ability as a Force Ghost when he destroyed the Jedi Temple on Ahch-To.

Rey Shoots Force Lightning Force

Nevertheless, this confirmation is just another knock against The Rise of Skywalker and the film’s complete lack of understanding regarding the world of Star Wars and more specifically how the Force works.

What do you make of this confirmation? Is this more proof the people at Lucasfilm had no idea what they were doing when they created The Rise of Skywalker?

Nov 26th, 2019

Rey Shoots Force Lightning

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  1. Rey arrives on the planet Exogol where The Emperor (Sheev) is attached to his life support chair.
  2. Sheev talks to Rey, citing the same speech he used when talking to Luke in Return of the Jedi.
  3. The Emperor tells Rey that she is his granddaughter, but doesn't go into who her parents are (my note: In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, J.J. Abrams hinted there is a reason why Rey can learn things quicker than Luke Skywalker).
  4. Rey asks Sheev how he is still alive as Darth Vader killed him 31 years ago (in Return of the Jedi).
  5. The Emperor reveals that he is the real one and that the one Vader killed was a clone.
  6. The Emperor says he foresaw everything and knew Vader would turn on him, so he created clones to hide the fact he knew what was going to happen, protect himself, keep himself a secret, etc.
  7. The Knights of Ren are also said to be clones.
  8. A younger clone of The Emperor walks in, played by Matt Smith.
  9. The 4Chan leaker notes that this implies that Palpatine willingly allowed The Empire to fall, that it directly negates Vader's sacrifice in Return of the Jedi, and that it 'makes everyone post-ROTJ look like massive idiots who got bamboozled.'
  10. Kylo Ren approaches the Throne Room, but he is stopped by the Knights of Ren. Rey then 'Force teleports' Leia's lightsaber to Kylo Ren which sees Kylo kill the Knights of Ren.
  11. The Emperor smiles and says how Rey and Kylo have finally been brought together, mirroring Snoke's speech in The Force Awakens (the leaker notes this is one of the things that JJ Abrams meant by 'honoring' The Force Awakens).
  12. The Emperor says to 'Execute Order 67' which sees the Sith Armada of Star Destroyers rise from the water that are mounted with Death Star cannons.
  13. Leia and Hux (from the First Order) join forces and assemble the Resistance Fleet and engage the Sith forces over the planet Exogol.
  14. The Emperor cackles and unleashes Force Lightning which disables the entire Resistance Fleet.
  15. The Millennium Falcon gets blown up; Leia, Lando Chewie, 3-PO and R2-D2 all die (described as supposed to be the 'saddest' part of the film).
  16. Rey and Kylo try to fight off The Emperor, but Sheev again uses Force Lightning and kills Kylo sending him into the abyss.
  17. This causes Rey to get angry and channel every Jedi ever (my note: this seems to contradict the Jedi code of not getting angry, so how could Rey get angry and channel EVERY Jedi??).
  18. The Emperor blasts Rey with Force Lightning, but she deflects it back at him causing The Emperor to blow up, dying once and for all.
  19. Rey then shoots Force Lightning into the sky and disables the Sith Armada.
  20. The remaining Resistance ships finish off the Sith Armada. Victory ensues. Everyone cheers for Rey.
  21. The end sees Rey go to Tatooine to bury the Skywalker's family stuff (lightsabers). A stranger walks up to her and asks who she is. She takes on the 'Skywalker' name as a title and says she has found her place in life, etc. She says she is 'Rey, Rey Skywalker.'