Casino Night Zone Beta

The Casino Night Zone is essentially the first full-on casino, borrowing some aspects of its design from the more general-looking Spring Yard Zone. This type of setting is most commonly associated with the 'bouncy/pinball' kind of stage that features regularly in Sonic games. As the Sonic 2 Beta ROM shows us, its main colour scheme was. Casino Night Zone is more complete in this prototype. The level layout itself isn’t broken, but is still devoid of objects except for one in Act 2. The only level specific object that appears in the object list for the stage is a single bumper. Casino Night Zone (2 player) (Beta) Segtendo: 0:50: 3: Normal: Casino Night Zone (2 player) (Classic Remix) CrystalForce: 1:28: 6: Normal: Casino Night Zone (2 player. The Casino Night zone was still early in development, and because of the lack of the slot machines and the springs the level is fully playable only with the debug. The background of the act 2 is different from the original. The music is slightly different from the released version. Chemical Plant Zone.

  1. Casino Night Zone Beta 2
  2. Casino Night Zone Beta
  3. Casino Night Zone 10 Hours

Casino Night Zone Beta 2

This is one of several selections of the first project of Sonic the Hedgehog VGMs that i will include on Soundcloud as-is for now before i graduate them from beta status. These do have more imperfections in them, but i thought that they were good enough to give you the closest idea of what i plan to present as my remixes. All rights to, and credit of, the original compositions of all 'Sonic the Hedgehog' tracks uploaded to this account remain with the original composers (Jun Senoue, Masato Nakamura, Dreams Come True, Howard Drossin and all others not listed here but credited as original composers), The Sonic Team and/or SEGA, and the creator of this and the following derivative tracks claims no rights to the original video game music.

Casino Night Zone Beta

Comment by genesis micro


Casino Night Zone Beta

Comment by Diamond Nefertari G

Casino Night Zone 10 Hours

Final version posted in the future; keep checking for the link