3 Slot Sims 4

February 2015 in The Sims 4 Packs Discussion We keep getting more clothing options, which is great, but can we please get more clothing slots with this EP? I'm not a programming wiz, but i. The Tasty Takeaway. Here’s a takeaway restaurant I’ve been working on last month and this month. I haven’t found a fix for the September window patch yet, so I had to be creative and find another way to work with windows.

The Tasty Takeaway

Here’s a takeaway restaurant I’ve been working on last month and this month. I haven’t found a fix for the September window patch yet, so I had to be creative and find another way to work with windows.

My cc is used for decoration purposes. Most items (like the cashierdesk) aren’t functional so your sim can’t interact with them.

Find the cc in game by typing: Tasty in the search bar.

Download 45 cc items @ Patreon early access public release 7th of November 2020
Download room layout + room-bound exclusive cc @ Patreon patrons only

ↆ Read more: room details & cc list below

Room details (it is NOT a lot) Patrons only

  • You only need basegame
  • 7x4 squares
  • 7.326 simdollars
  • Place the room anywhere you want on your lot

45 Early access cc All public on November 7 2020 Alphabetically sorted

  1. Aluminiumfoil 1 swatch deco
  2. Aluminiumfoil box 1 swatch deco
  3. Bag hook 1 swatch deco
  4. Bag large 1 3 swatches deco
  5. Bag large 2 3 swatches deco
  6. Bag large 3 3 swatches deco
  7. Bag large 4 3 swatches deco
  8. Bag large 5 3 swatches deco
  9. Bag small 1 3 swatches deco
  10. Bag small 2 3 swatches deco
  11. Bag small 3 3 swatches deco
  12. Bag small 4 3 swatches deco
  13. Bag small 5 3 swatches deco
  14. Cashierdesk 4 swatches deco
  15. Cashier shelf 1 swatch functional + slots
  16. Ceilinglight 1 swatch functional
  17. Counter 1 1 swatch slots
  18. Counter 2 1 swatch slots
  19. Counter 3 1 swatch slots
  20. Counter block glass 1 swatch deco
  21. Counter tiled wall 1 1 swatch deco
  22. Counter tiled wall 2 2 swatches deco
  23. Counter window 1 2 swatches deco
  24. Counter window 2 2 swatches deco
  25. Emergency exit 1 swatch deco
  26. Fan 1 swatch deco
  27. Food box 1 1 swatch deco + slot
  28. Food box 2 1 swatch deco + slot
  29. Food box 3 1 swatch deco + slot
  30. Food box open 5 swatches deco + slot
  31. Menucard box recolor (NEONHOTEL) 1 swatch deco
  32. Mirror 1 swatch functional
  33. Mirror order notes 2 swatches deco
  34. Packing paper 1 swatch deco + slots
  35. Rug 5 swatches deco
  36. Stool functional 5 swatches functional
  37. Stool stackable 5 swatches deco + slot
  38. Table 1 swatch functional + slots
  39. Text 1 1 swatch deco
  40. Text 2 1 swatch deco
  41. Text 3 1 swatch deco
  42. Text 4 1 swatch deco
  43. Trashbin 2 swatches functional
  44. Walldeco 5 swatches deco
  45. Wall order notes 2 swatches deco

11 Room-bound exclusive cc Patrons only Alphabetically sorted

  1. Ceiling 4 swatches deco
  2. Column 1 swatch deco
  3. Door (front) 3 swatches functional
  4. Door kitchen 1 swatch functional
  5. Fake wall low 2 swatches deco + slots
  6. Floor 1 swatch
  7. TV Recolor (patron exclusive mesh recolor) 2 swatches deco
  8. Wall panel full 1 swatch deco
  9. Wall panel top 1 swatch deco
  10. Wallpaper + tiled wall 1 swatch each
  11. Window 1 swatch deco
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© Provided by Extra Time Media

The new Sims 4 Snowy Escape expansion pack has a lot of things to love about it. Even the whole getting lost before you even start going on your Mt. Komorebi hike is bearable (because views!).

The build/buy items that came with the pack are beautiful. From the shelf that can serve as a little bath caddy (while the tub stays functional) and much more. A full overview of all of these wonderful things will follow in the coming days, but for now, there’s a specific object from this pack we’d like to focus on.


One of the best things, (okay, best in buy mode, there are a lot of awesome things about this pack) is the new counters that came with the pack. Aside from being neutral and compatible with most build styles, it also has cute little shelves beneath them.

These counters have been quite a lot of attention on various Sims forums and communities around the internet. And look, we know, we might be easy to please, but it’s the little things in (simulation) life that make all the difference.

Snowy Escape kitchen counters with usable shelves

The best part about the new counters is that the shelves aren’t just there for aesthetics, you can use them to place objects on. We tested this with moveobjects on and off and objects snapped to the slots here both times.

3 Slot Sims 4

Sims 4 Or Sims 3

For clutter-lovers, it’s absolute heaven. We didn’t count exactly, but there must be at least ten slots to bundle all your kitchen stuff into.

Sims can also interact with objects placed on these shelves (we’re assuming as long they can be reached and the objects fit into the shelves correctly – more testing to follow).

In our testing, we used a kava bowl and some books and the Testing Sim (not the Sim seen in the video below) had no problems grabbing these and using them.

In our second play test, we plonked a few more items down on the kitchen counter shelves. And we are delighted to inform you, dear reader, that not a single exasperated wave indicating inaccessibility was seen from the Sim in question.

Here is a quick video demonstrating the usability of the objects placed on the Snowy Escape kitchen counter shelves.

Sims 3 V Sims 4

© Provided by Extra Time Media Snowy Escape Kitchen Counters Shelves Objects

Sims 3 4 Free

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